Jane- Contributor
Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles native Jane Helpern is an editor, writer, and copywriter who shamelessly clogs her Instagram feed with pictures of her dogs, Hank and Harriet. After several unpaid internships and journaling like it was her job (it wasn't), she snagged the coveted position as Editorial Assistant at The Huffington Post. It was all uphill-ish from there. Jane writes about culture, fashion and relationships for a variety of brands and publications. She is also the Managing Editor right here at audeafsk.top, Executive Editor of Cultist Zine, an abuser of the word "and," and a closet poet.
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{"id":"49","name":"Jane- Contributor","avatar":"https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/thehundreds\/media\/2014\/05\/images-140x140.jpg","city":"Los Angeles","state":"CA","description":"Los Angeles native Jane Helpern is an editor, writer, and copywriter who shamelessly clogs her Instagram feed with pictures of her dogs, Hank and Harriet. After several unpaid internships and journaling like it was her job (it wasn\\'t), she snagged the coveted position as Editorial Assistant at The Huffington Post. It was all uphill-ish from there. Jane writes about culture, fashion and relationships for a variety of brands and publications. She is also the Managing Editor right here at audeafsk.top, Executive Editor of Cultist Zine, an abuser of the word \\\"and,\\\" and a closet poet.","website":"","facebook":"","twitter":"janeohelp","tumblr":"","instagram":"janeohelp","youtube":"","vimeo":""}